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Die nLine GmbH ist spezialisiert auf die Entwicklung von Lösungen für die KI-gestützte optische Qualitätskontrolle in der Fertigung von Kabeln, Drähten, Seilen, Stahlseilen, Rohren und Schläuchen.

Wahtari’s nLine cable inspection solutions can analyse a wide variety of product and quality characteristics in individual inspection (test bench) or Inline during ongoing production. Deviations are signaled and documented.

The systems are available in different versions and can be adapted to a wide range of requirements. The analysis & evaluation is performed on-the-edge, without connection to a cloud, for highest performance, lowest latencies and best data security.

The commissioning does not require any technical knowledge. Product features are simply trained according to the “Teach & Go” principle by using a master sample.

360° Analysis
complete detection of the cable surface
Teach & Go
few minutes to teach-in the product
features according to a master sample
High performance
up to 1500m/min cable speed
depends on configuration
AI Processing
recipes available remotely
Random Rotating Products
insensitive to cable rotation
Non-Contact Measurement
no damage or influence on the product
24/7 Continuous Operation
> 99.5% availability
Process Reliable
insensitive to water drops and dust particles on the cable surface
Operating Temperature
0,5mm – 25mm round, oval and flat
Product Diameter
0,5mm – 25mm round, oval and flat
Production Speed
> 0-500m/min (all test types) up to 1500m/min (color analysis)
Low Maintenance
no tools necessary System signals when cleaning is necessary
IO / Interfaces
analog & digital

Teach & Go within Minutes

